Using arts and storytelling

as a tool for social change

Researching the oral history of Sandleiten!

Together with our participants, we’ve been researching and compiling the local history of Sandleitenhof –a municipal housing complex with originally 1,587 apartments, built in five stages between 1924 and 1928 as part of the housing policy of “Red Vienna”

Today, it houses a vibrant and diverse community, with residents from all backgrounds – which is why we selected the location for our field research.
We believe the unique stories and perspectives to come out of the area will help us visualize history and citizens perceptions from a multitude of different angles. Our curators and participants have been hard at work, collecting, interpreting and workign on the amazing stories and topics to emerge from the research conducted at Sandleitenhof. We’d love to see you there!

When: April 2, 2025, from 12:00 to 20:00;

April 3, 2025, from 12:00 to 17:00

Where: Kunstlabor, SOHO Ottakring. Liebknechtgasse 32, 1160 Wien

Note: Don’t miss the opening performance on April 1, 2025, at 18:30!

We're ready to exhibit!

The exhibition NAHELIEGENDE GESCHICHTE(N): Sandleitenhof approaches history as something that creates both imprints and voids.

Some events are preserved from the beginning, others are not.

Lifting up and passing on nearby history(ies) means listening, feeling and sitting together. It means understanding our relationship to each other, in this very moment that is connected to our past and future.

With contributions from Frauenstrickgruppe Sandleitenhof, Edith Wotawa, Stella Konietzka, Pavel Naydenov, Construction Choir Collective, Lydia Baumgarten, Angelika Ginzburg Gurov and Zhanina Marinova. Curated by Frida Robles and Martina Gimplinger.

The exhibition shows the results of the Public and Oral History Workshop in Ottakring. The workshop is a project of X-Arts (Xsentrikarts) and part of the project Cultural and Historical Awareness for Active Citizenship (CHAC) together with NGO Nest (Germany) and Edu Labs (Italy), supported by Erasmus+.



Die Ausstellung NAHELIEGENDE GESCHICHTE(N): Sandleitenhof nähert sich Geschichte als etwas, das sowohl Spuren als auch Schweigen erzeugt. Manche Ereignisse werden von Anfang an bewahrt, andere nicht. Naheliegende Geschichte(n) heben und weitergeben bedeutet zuhören, fühlen und zusammensitzen. Es bedeutet, unsere Beziehung zueinander zu verstehen, genau in diesem Moment, der mit unserer Vergangenheit und Zukunft verbunden ist.

Mit Beiträgen von Frauenstrickgruppe Sandleitenhof, Edith Wotawa, Stella Konietzka, Pavel Naydenov, Construction Choir Collective, Lydia Baumgarten, Angelika Ginzburg Gurov und Zhanina Marinova. Kuratiert von Frida Robles und Martina Gimplinger. Die Ausstellung zeigt Ergebnisse, die im Rahmen von Public and Oral History Workshop in Ottakring entstanden sind.

Der Workshop ist ein Projekt von X-Arts (Xsentrikarts) und Teil des Projekts Cultural and Historical Awareness for Active Citizenship (CHAC) gemeinsam mit NGO Nest(Deutschland) und Edu Labs (Italien), unterstützt von Erasmus+.