Join the team screening in Vienna
Well, good news is that the film is finally complete! What a journey it’s been, with the post-production spanning over a few years, a global pandemic and numerous lock-downs.
We’ll be holding a team screening at Schikanader Cinema in Vienna, and you’re more than welcome to join.

Melissa inherits a struggling dive bar from her deceased father, along with a considerable amount of debt. The apparent resurrection of her father, along with his new found memory, causes certain secrets to resurface. She is now confronted with the potential to change her fortune and future… And her relationship with the new father.

Tamalynne Grant as Melissa
Dennis Kozeluh as Frank
Johnny Vivash as James Upworth
Phil Moran as Harry
Jason Cloud as Officer Joe
Screenplay by: Deniz Opal & Yilmaz Vurucu
Produced by: Mario Kainer & Yilmaz Vurucu
Director: Yilmaz Vurucu
Assistant director: Mario Kainer
Director of Photography: Alex Sprenger
Production assistant: Efe Erdem
Production design and art direction: Aliza Karn
Make up: Vanessa Fagundes Viana
Sound: Thomas Strobl
Post-Production sound filtering: Al Boorman
Yilmaz Vurucu
With rough-cut assembling by Pascal Ettinger
Sound editing: Thomas Strobl
Color and EFX: Fatih Oger
Arbitrage numbers, screens: Deniz Opal, Matthew Canham
Soundtrack & musical score: Artun Sürmeli
Copyright, 2023, XsentrikArts
Head on over to director Yilmaz Vurucu’s site for his personal notes on the project.