We’re happy to announce numerous new film festival selections and screenings for The Sea in me!
The film has officially been selected to the following film festivals:
Arquiteturas Film Festival 2013, Lisbon, Portugal (September 26, 2013. For more info: Arquiteturas Film Festival schedule)
NWTS open Air Film Festval, Batumi Beach, Batumi, Georgia. (September 8-10, For more info: SatellietGroep)
Movies in Wonderland/FrameOut Film Festival, Vienna, Austria (August 23rd, 2013. For more info: FrameOut)
Opuzen International Film Festival, Opuzen, Croatia (August 22nd, 2013. For more info visit the Film Festival’s official site: opuzenfilmfestival)
Voices from the Waters Film Festival, Bangalore, India. (September 1st, 2013. For more info visit: Voices From the Waters)
Voices from the Waters Film Festival, Gothenburg, Sweden. (September 1st, 2013. For more info visit: Voices From the Waters)