Using arts and storytelling

as a tool for social change

Vienna Story development workshop

Following the local Bioyoutoon workshop in Meidling and the subsequent Bio-diversity corridor walk, we had quite the task on our hands.

The workshop in Vienna was quite fruitful, and we had quite a few entertaining and exciting concepts on our hands. Add in the stories that came in from the workshops in other Bioyoutoon partner cities, and you can imagine the daunting work we had to accomplish.

The mission was to to select 5 stories from among the developed comic concepts, combine some that could work together, and eliminate others.

Our trainers and Comic illustration artists convened in Floridsdorf to spend full day discussing how to develop the select stories into a full webtoon episode.


Following a detailes discussion on the strengths, weaknesses and diverse aspects of each plot line and story, we began working on developing the story elements of select concepts.

We discussed story elements such as:

The Setting (the time, period location etc.)

The genre (comedy, drama, sci-fi, romance..)

The backstory (what happened before this moment to the characters to motivate them)

The antagonist (who is the antagonist, how do they prevent the protagonist from accomplishing goals)

Character development (description of character, their motivation, purpose and quirks)

and story outline – a list of what happens (Introduction, first obstacle, overcoming it, second obstacle, and resolution).

At the end of the day, we had some amazing plots and concepts on our hands, such as the story of Danny the Danube sand bee, the Turtle’s plight, the bioligists’ summer home and the musquite blood bank. All the stories touch upon various aspects of bio-diversity conservation among youth.

As a result of the fruitful workshop, we had developed full fledged dramatic arcs for webtoon stories that promote bio-diversity awareness. We’re looking forward to sharing the developments with you, as we progress and begin work on the rich storylines we developed during the workshop.

More images from our workshop